Hello there…
Webactif used to build websites for small business’s and individuals however The IT Surgery its sister business has brought a sad but realistic end to it for the next coming years. Webactif was a business built up over the years to enable small business’s to edit their website with ease at a reasonable cost and produce reasonable Google rankings. As a teacher of design it also enabled me to present my understanding and knowledge in getting websites working properly in real time. Now The IT Surgery my other business is a prosperous enterprise that is taking up all my time and consequently web development is not part of it. This not to say i am hanging my design gloves up but passing the baton to those guys who are solely dedicating themselves to web development. If you need any web advice and guidance then please pop in to The IT Surgery in Scissett …we have access to some very good web development practitioners and more.
More will be added as this site morphs into a more informative site about the web in general…!!!
thank you .
Graham Hallas
BA (Hons)(QTs) Technology
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